The phone was naturally quite popular in the budget segment due to its attractive price tag of just Rs. 5999 ($87). At this price, the Redmi 7A offers Snapdragon 439 octa-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage, and an HD 720p 5.45-inch display. The polycarbonate body and the 18:9 aspect ratio ensures the phone doesn’t look cheap. Further, there’s a large 4000mAh battery on board to power the device for a couple of days easily. With these specs, you get tremendous value for money under $100.
However, it looks like Xiaomi couldn’t prepare enough stock in the first sale with the device selling out in a matter of seconds on both Flipkart and India MD Manu Kumar Jain has promised more stock in the second sale next week (July 18) but it remains to be seen whether it’ll be enough for users to grab a unit for purchase.
Note that the Redmi 7A does not have a fingerprint sensor but users can take advantage of its AI face unlock. There are two storage variants available, a 2GB+16GB model priced at Rs.5999 (~$87) and a 2+32GB one priced at Rs.6199 (~90). However, for a limited time this month, the company is offering both the variants at discount. So you can get the 32GB model at just Rs.5999 (~$90) which would be a steal!