Actress Divyanka Tripathi and her husband Vivek Dahiya were recently robbed in Italy. In which all their belongings were stolen. After which, actor Ashwath Bhatt, who played Alia Bhatt’s brother-in-law in the film ‘Raazi’, was also robbed in Istanbul. The actor had gone there for a trip. This has been revealed by Ashwath Bhatt himself.
The actor went to Istanbul to spend his holidays
Let us tell you that this incident with Ashwath Bhatt happened near the Galata Tower in Beyoglu, Istanbul. Regarding this incident that happened with him, the actor said that when he was planning to go to Istanbul, his friends had asked him to be careful of pickpockets there. But he took his friends’ words lightly. Ashwath Bhatt was going towards the Galata Tower, when some people attacked him. Read More – Ranvir Shorey is upset with Sana Makbul’s victory, said- many people were more deserving of the trophy…
Strong blow on the back with a chain
Ashwath Bhatt said- ‘A man came to me. He had a chain. Before I could understand what was happening, he hit me hard on the back with the chain. After this some people came and instead of saving me, they started snatching my bag. I tried my best to escape from them. Then a taxi came and they all ran away from there.
felt a strong jolt
The actor said that he is shocked by the incident that happened to him. Ashwath said that he reported the incident to the local police but said that people usually do not report such cases to the police. Due to which crime is increasing here. Read More – Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding rituals began, the whole family was seen in Mameru ritual …
Let us tell you that Ashwath Bhatt has played the role of Vicky Kaushal’s elder brother Mehboob Syed in the film ‘Raazi’. Along with this, he has also worked in many other films. These include ‘Kesari’, ‘Sita Raman’ and ‘Mission Majnu’. The special thing is that TV actress Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya were recently robbed during their Europe trip.