The Bluff: Actress Priyanka Chopra is busy shooting for the Hollywood film ‘The Bluff’. During this time, she has shared photos and videos from the sets of the film. In the pictures, Priyanka Chopra is seen bleeding and injured. There is blood on her face, seeing which fans are shocked. The global actress has also written a caption by sharing the photo on her Instagram account.
Sharing the photo on her Instagram account, Priyanka Chopra wrote a caption, “Bloody fun time on the sets of The Bluff, final week of shooting! For those who don’t know, I am on a film set and this is all a pretense. Violent times on pirate ships in the 1800s. It’s incredible to see how every department of a film crew turns imagination into reality. #MagicOfTheMovies.”
Apart from this, Priyanka is seen asking her makeup artist in a video how she gives the look of burnt hair. On her answer, the makeup artist crushes fruits and sprinkles them on Priyanka’s hair. ‘The Bluff’ is a period drama film, directed by E. Flower. It stars Karl Urban, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Safia Oakley-Green and Vedanten Naidu in lead roles. Priyanka is playing the role of a female pirate in the film.
After seeing the photo, people have reacted on social media. One wrote, Can’t wait for this movie!!! One wrote, I can’t wait to meet Ercel! It looks like this will be your bloodiest, most daring, courageous character and I am here for it!!! One wrote, Why is he bleeding.