On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the E100 pilot project through video conferencing at an event organized on World Environment Day and the Expert Committee on Action Plan for Ethanol Mixture in India for 2020-25. report unveiled.
It is very important to organize our efforts to protect the environment. When every citizen of the country will make a united effort to maintain the balance of water, air and land, then only we will be able to give a safe environment to our coming generations.
Our renewable energy capacity has grown by over 250% in 6-7 years. India is today in the top-5 countries of the world in terms of installed renewable energy capacity. In this also, the capacity of solar energy has been increased by about 15 times in the last 6 years.
Now ethanol has become one of the major priorities of 21st century India. The focus on ethanol is having a better impact on the environment as well as on the lives of farmers. Today we have resolved to meet the target of 20 percent ethanol blending in petrol by 2025.
Be it the International Solar Alliance realizing the vision of One Sun, One World, One Grid, or the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure initiative, India is moving ahead with a big global vision.
India is also aware of the challenges that are being faced due to climate change and is also working actively.
Last year alone, oil marketing companies bought ethanol worth Rs 21,000 crore. A large part of this has gone into the pockets of our farmers. Sugarcane farmers in particular have benefited immensely from this.