While V Narayanasamy, the Chief Minister of Puducherry is campaigning against her day in and day out alleging that Kiran Bedi, the Lieutenant Governor is not cooperating with the Government in implementing welfare measures, the undeterred Bedi is going around the Union Territory making sure that the infrastructure works are implemented and the entire region is maintained neat and clean.
A day after Narayanasamy went public over Bedi’s refusal to increase the age limit to 24 of police constables under clause 3 of the Police Recruitment Rules, the Lieutenant Governor launched a massive programme with the assistance of a corporate group to desilt the entire irrigation channels in Puducherry.
The project named “Mission Puducherry Water Rich” will ensure that the cleaning and desilting of all the 23 irrigation channels would be implemented with the active cooperation of donors.
“This will save the Government crores of rupees while the donors will be honoured with Swachchhta Hi Sewa Awards on this year’s Diwali Eve,” said a release from Bedi’s office.
Desilting the 11.3 km long Sellangal Feeder Canal at a cost of Rs 7 lakh would revitalize six villages and 900 acres of farm lands would get irrigation potential. This will also improve the ground water table for agriculture sector as well as the industrial hub.
The Lt Governor launched the desilting works on Thursday by performing the traditional Bhumi Puja and asked the donors to make sure that the desilting works be completed before the commencement of the monsoon. She also asked the engineering authorities of Tamil Nadu Government who were present during the function to extend cooperation to their counterparts in the union territory for the speedy completion of the works