Patna. A month before retirement, the body of Patna’s official was recovered from the railway track near Gulzarbagh station on Wednesday. On receiving the information of the incident, the police reached the spot and got involved in the investigation of the case. At the same time, on the information of the death of his associate officer, the departmental officer, including the Mayor of Patna, also reached the spot and inquired about the incident.
According to the information, the body of Additional Commissioner of Patna Uday Krishna found near the Gulzarbagh station on Wednesday morning on the Mahatma Gandhi Seetu railway track located in Agam Kuan. Due to the dead body, it is feared that he was killed due to being cut off by the train. The police arrived on the spot and seized the body for postmortem.
At present, the police are investigating the fact that the body has been thrown on the railway track or they have committed suicide. It is known that on January 1, 1958, Janmeo Uday Krishna was supposed to retire next month. A month ago from retirement, the death of Uday Krishna remained a subject of discussion in the area.
Additional Municipal Commissioner in Patna Municipal Corporation, Uday Krishna, went out of the house on Tuesday night. When Vidyapuri left from his house in Kankarbagh, he came out saying that he was going for a walk. Upon returning home till late night, the relatives of Uday Krishna did a lot of research till late night. On returning home till late night, the relatives of Uday Krishna informed the journalist Nagar police station that they had gone missing.
After getting the body of Uday Krishna on the track near Gulzarbagh station on Wednesday morning, the GRP informed the family. Besides, the officials of the Railways have gathered in the investigation of the case. DSP Harish Sharma is also monitoring the situation. On receiving the information of the incident, Municipal Officer and Mayor Sita Sahu also reached the spot and got the information of the whole case.