Raipur / CM Shri Bhupesh Baghel instructions for dismantling the deadline for cases involving the general public have all officers. Secretary to the Chief Minister directed at the Department of Revenue Mr. Ankkekkhakha and Commissioner of Raipur division Mr G. Churendra and Additional Commissioner El.askken SDM to Raipur And surprise inspections of Tehsil office. Income inspection, race, went found negligence in disposing of cases of diversion, nominations, including sharing residence. Raipur Divisional Commissioner Mr. G. Churendra has taken very seriously when are constantly negligence and irregularities in revenue cases. He placed Naib suspended Mrs Sarita Mnderia tehsil office Raipur. Similarly, SDM are found pending revenue Case Raipur Mr. Sandeep Agrawal, Shri Amit bags, Tahsildars Mr. Om Dwivedi, additional tehsildar Mr. Krishna Kumar Sahu has issued show cause notice.
Negligence serious Aniamiytta and act Naib Court Mrs. Sarita Mndria during inspection dismantling revenue episode has been suspended as a result went found. 909 cases were pending waiting for an order to have found 909 cases left to resolve their court supervision order. Their headquarters in suspension period has been fixed at the district office Raipur. Surprise Visit SDO revenue Raipur Mr. Sandeep found to resolve the final 81 episodes of diversion Agarwal jurisdictions do not resolve despite being drawn in position. These 40 Episode Collector court to advance was to be sent for processing and pass them dismantling format in order to 41 episodes. Similarly, 227 cases in 1806, and the appeal of the original episodes related revenues were found pending. These appeals are pending by fixed for 12-episode order. It was also found in the inspection that SDM 2035 episode of the total 3779 cases of diversion in office are left for disposal abrogated and 1734 episode. Diversion fees and other items went found 14 crore 84 lakh, infrastructure development pending amount to Rs 14 lakh recovered Rs 15 lakh, environmental cess Item dim. Similarly, pending various certificates in income of 44 OBC 19, SC, a native of 100, land diversion and demarcation of 53, land use information 61, land records of 145, converted 74 cases of mutation were found.
Tahsildars Mr. Amit bag Court found balance for 1959 episode resolves the status of 27 Mi K Similarly, 38 cases for an order was pending. Similarly, while 19 of the demarcation of the border 127, 795 of the mutation, and divide the total 941 cases had been pending. Tehsil office Lok guarantee service total 390 application under the Act, the map has been found pending 843 18, diversion of measles. During the inspection went inquired about Bhuiya program and given instructions on how to dispose of the application within the time-limit.
Additional Tahsildar Mr. Om remaining for disposal Dwivedi Court in 1459 revenue episode and 23 cases were found pending orders. 25 Revenue episode of unregistered found in their jurisdictions.
Naib 1583 left to resolve in court Krishna Kumar Sahu and pending are for 25-episode order. Commissioner Mr. Churendra it has sought a response within a week issued a show cause notice to the concerned Assuming gross negligence of government functions. The answer would be no unilateral action against the concerned meet the conditions.