A day after former Jharkhand chief minister Champai Soren joined the BJP, ex-JMM legislator Lobin Hembrom on Saturday crossed over to the saffron camp. Hembrom was given membership of the BJP by the party’s state chief Babulal Marandi in the presence of Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.
“The JMM has changed from what was it in Guruji’s (JMM supremo Shibu Soren) time. Now, there is no respect for senior leaders in the JMM. So, I decided to join the BJP for development of Jharkhand and uplift of tribals,” the former Borio legislator said at the saffron camp’s state headquarters here.
Hembrom was disqualified from the Jharkhand assembly under the anti-defection law with effect from July 26.
The former legislator, who had been vocal against his own party, contested as an independent candidate from the Rajmahal Lok Sabha seat, challenging JMM’s nominee Vijay Hansdak. Hembrom tasted defeat in the parliamentary elections.
The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) had initiated proceedings under the anti-defection law against Hembrom in the Speaker’s Tribunal. Champai Soren joined the BJP on Friday, two days after he quit the JMM citing dissatisfaction with the party’s current style of functioning and “bitter humiliation”.