New Delhi: AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj criticized Delhi LG’s empowerment by President Murmu, alleging he is neglecting responsibilities such as recruiting doctors and creating hospital posts, while acquiring more powers for personal gain. Bhardwaj accused the LG of misusing powers, hiring a social media company to boost his image, and snatching powers from the elected government. He claimed the central government and BJP aim to control Delhi through the LG, bypassing the elected government, as they cannot win elections, but vowed this would not happen. On President Murmu empowers Delhi LG to form, appoint members to boards, panels in Delhi, AAP leader and Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said “When it comes to his responsibility and accountability, LG sahab is not working. Thousands of doctors have to be recruited. Posts have to be created in hospitals. Thousands of poor bus marshals have become unemployed. LG sahab has stopped all this. And when it comes to acquiring powers, he is taking more and more powers. Why is he taking them? So that he can misuse the powers. He is hiring a social media company for Rs 1.5 crore annually to become famous through social media influencers. Powers of the elected government are being snatched away and powers are being given to appointed people. As far as the central government is concerned, they want the entire Delhi to be run by the LG. Because the BJP is not able to win elections. Therefore, the BJP wants to take control of Delhi through the backdoor but that will not happen…”