Bijapur. A tragic road accident has taken place during a search operation in the district. Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) posted in DRG, who had gone out on search duty on a bike, has died in a road accident, while Bastar Fighter constable has been injured. The injured has been admitted to the hospital for better treatment. Police, who reached the spot after getting information about the incident, have started investigation by registering a case. It is being told that when Home Minister Vijay Sharma had come to Palanar for a visit, the martyred ASI had taken him to the camp on a bike.
Home Minister Vijay Sharma with ASI Telam Chamru
According to the information, the accident happened late night near village Bechapal in Mirtur area. When Assistant Sub Inspector Telam Chamru (39 years) posted in Bijapur DRG and Bastar Fighter Constable Uday Kumar Patwa left on bike for searching duty. During this, both the soldiers got injured when the bike slipped near Bechapal village. On receiving the information of the incident, the rescue team reached the spot and the injured were taken to the hospital. Due to the critical condition of ASI Telam Chamru, he was admitted to Dantewada Hospital, where he died during treatment. His body has been kept in District Hospital Dantewada, which will soon be sent to District Bijapur Police Line. At the same time, the condition of injured constable Uday Kumar is said to be normal and he is being treated at Medical College Dimrapal, Jagdalpur.
Let us tell you that on 16th August, when Deputy CM and Home Minister Vijay Sharma came to Palanar for a visit, ASI Telam Chamru took him to the camp site on a bike.