Raipur. A grand program will be organized today at the residence of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai on the occasion of Teeja-Pora Tihar, a symbol of Chhattisgarhi culture and tradition. On this occasion, Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai will transfer Rs 1,000 each through DBT to the accounts of 70 lakh women under the Mahtari Vandan Yojana. The program will start at 11 am. The chief guest of the program will be Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai. Chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker Dr. Raman Singh will preside over the program.
CM Vishnudev Sai will participate in Teeja-Pora Tihar program
Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai will participate in various programs today. Chief Minister Sai will participate in the Teeja-Pora Tihar program at 11 am in his residence premises. At 2.35 pm, CM Sai will leave from the Police Ground Helipad and reach village Madiapar in Dhamdha Tehsil of Durg district at 2.55 pm and will participate in Pola Mahotsav-2024 there. After that CM Sai will return to Raipur at 4.30 pm.
Congress national spokesperson Supriya Shrinet will hold a press conference
An important press conference of Congress will be held today, in which national spokesperson Supriya Shrinet will be the keynote speaker. This press conference will be held at 11 am in the Congress state headquarters, Rajiv Bhawan. During this, Supriya Shrinet will discuss the law and order situation in the state. Along with this, she will also raise questions on issues related to women’s safety.
Congress’s district level press conference in 33 district headquarters today
Congress will organize district level press conferences in 33 district headquarters today. This press conference will be held in Raipur at 12:30 pm in Congress Bhawan located at Gandhi Maidan. During the press conference, the Congress party will try to corner the state government on the increasing crime cases. Along with this, information about the upcoming demonstration against law and order will also be shared.
Press conference of Mayor Ejaz Dhebar
Raipur Municipal Corporation Mayor Ejaz Dhebar will address a press conference in the Mayor’s hall at 1 pm today. In this press conference, Mayor Dhebar will share information about his recent Moscow visit. Apart from this, he will also discuss the MoU signed with Russia. The Mayor will also discuss his meeting with Union Minister Nitin Gadkari during this visit.
Bull race and bull dressing competition today
Pola festival will be celebrated with great pomp under the aegis of Shri Krishna Janmashtami Utsav and Vikas Samiti. Bull race, bull decoration competition and Kisan Samman Samaroh are being organized at Ravanbhatha ground on September 2 at 4 pm. Committee president Madhavlal Yadav said that farmers will bring their bulls decorated in the competition. Religious, patriotic tableaus will be decorated on the backs of the bulls. Bull owners coming from outside the city will be given two thousand rupees as travel fare. Also, the owners of all the bull pairs participating in the competition will be given a consolation amount of one thousand rupees and a souvenir. The chief guest will be Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Tankaram Verma and the chairman will be rural MLA Motilal Sahu. Swings and sports have been organized for children on Pola festival. According to Chhattisgarhi tradition, the tradition of Pora Patkna will be performed for women.
Bhado Amavasya fair starts today at Rani Sati temple
Bhado Amavasya fair will be organized on September 2 and 3 at Rani Sati temple of Rajatalab temple committee of the capital on Kailash. Temple committee president Kishore Drolia said that on September 2, from 7 pm, Dadiji’s beautiful makeup will be visible. After Jyoti Puja at 8:30 pm, Bhajan singers Pooja Nathani and Party, Kolkata, Manoj Sen and Party Dhanbad will present bhajans from 9 pm. Chhappan bhog will be offered at 1 pm and prasad will be distributed. Mangala Aarti will be held at 4 am. Agrawal said that on the second day, September 3, Jaat Dhoka Puja will be performed from 7 am. Dadiji’s Mangal Paath will be held from 2 pm and Nisha Soni and Party Kolkata and Manoj Sen and Party Dhanbad will again present bhajans from 5 pm. After Maha Aarti at 9:30 pm, Chhappan bhog prasad will be distributed. In the two-day fair, arrangements for lodging and food have been made free for the devotees coming from Chhattisgarh and other neighboring states.