Narayanpur. In Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh, Naxalites have put up banners and posters to protest against the rape and murder of a female doctor in Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College. Naxalites have put up these banners and posters near Pingunda drain on Orchha road, in which they have demanded that the culprits of the Kolkata rape and murder case be hanged as soon as possible. Apart from this, Naxalites have mentioned the ongoing Naxal operation in Bastar and other things through banners and posters.
Regarding the campaign launched by the government to make Chhattisgarh Naxal-free, the Naxalites have appealed to the security forces and written that they should stop killing Maoists under the pressure of leaders, ministers and capitalists. Apart from this, the Naxalites have accused the government of handing over natural assets to capitalists and have appealed to protect natural heritage.
This entire matter is of Chhotedongar police station area. After finding banners and posters, the security forces have started a rapid search operation. Security force personnel have been deployed on the spot and the banners and posters have been confiscated. Along with this, security arrangements have been tightened in the area.