Virendra Gahwai, Bilaspur. A case of fraud of Rs 42 lakh has come to light in the government ration shop of Sarkanda area. An FIR has been lodged against two shop operators in the case. After the instructions of Collector Avnish Sharan, the Food Department conducted an investigation, after which this action has been taken. Sarkanda police has registered a crime under the sections of the Essential Commodities Act against both the shop operators who committed the fraud and is investigating the matter.
Taking the irregularities in the government ration shop seriously, Collector Avnish Kumar Sharan has issued an order to take strict action. In this connection, food inspectors inspected the ration shop operating in Muktidham Chowk Sarkanda.
Irregularities were found in ration shop ID number 401001070 operated by Ajay Mishra, as well as irregularities were found in the shop of Kailashnath Mishra, operator of government fair price shop Bajrang Primary Cooperative Consumer Store, Sarkanda ID no. 401001083. During the investigation, a shortage of ration worth Rs 31 lakh 86 thousand 252 was found in one shop. At the same time, a shortage of food grains worth Rs 10 lakh 20 thousand 169 was found in the other. Regarding which the investigating officer has lodged an FIR in Sarkanda police station. A case has been registered against both under section 3/7 of the Essential Commodities Act 1955.