Gaurav Jain, Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi. Recently, in Basantpur village of the district, a young man riding a bike collided with a woman while trying to save a child who had come on the road. The woman suffered minor injuries in this incident. But angry women called their family members and beat up the bike driver brutally. In which the young man was seriously injured and died during treatment. While taking action in the case, the police have arrested 5 accused including 2 women. This matter is of Pendra police station area.
According to the information, on the evening of Thursday, May 8, a young man riding a bike, Rama Panika, collided with a woman walking on the side of the road in Basantpur while trying to save a child running on the road. After which the women called the family members and beat Rama mercilessly. In which the young man was seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital for treatment but Rama Panika died during treatment. After this incident, the angry family members of the deceased lodged a complaint with the police and demanded strict action against the culprits. On which the police registered a case of culpable homicide and took action and arrested five people including two women today. In which Anjali Sahu, Manisha Sahu, Ajay Sahu, Jagdish Sahu and Durga Sahu have been arrested. Action is being taken against them under section 304 of IPC.