Purushottam Patra, Gariaband. The heavy rain of the first monsoon season exposed the quality of the check dam built at a cost of Rs 14.50 lakh under the MNREGA scheme in Dakrel Nala of Chalnapadar of Mainpur block as well as the corruption. Two days ago, the check dam broke and got damaged at many places. When the matter was revealed, District CEO Rita Yadav also ordered an investigation in Mainpur district. On Tuesday, a five-member investigation team led by RES SDO Uttam Chaudhary also inspected the site of the incident.
RES SDO Uttam Chaudhary said that the investigation report will be sent to the district. Action will be taken from the top in the matter. Negligence of the construction agency has come to light in this, negligence has been committed in site selection.
The person responsible for the irregularity should be given the responsibility of investigation
In construction work, from site selection to layout, plinth construction to the entire structure, the construction agency does it under the supervision of the SDO, an engineer of the RES department. The technical officers were preparing to issue the bill after doing its physical verification. In the broken dam, instead of 4 meter plinth, only 1.5 meter plinth has been done, and substandard material has also been used for the joints. But this irregularity will not be revealed by the investigation of the officers involved in the case.
The practice of commission to replace work started during Congress government
In this case, BJP’s business cell district president Shobha Chand Patra has made several serious allegations against the administration. He said that the work which was available free of cost on demand, was given on 20 percent commission during the Congress regime. 20 percent commission is spent on technical matters and on pushing the file forward until the construction is complete. Due to this convenience fee, the material work of MNREGA has become of poor quality. Even where it is not necessary, work is being approved on commission. Shobha Chand said that the influential officers who have been in power since the Congress regime are still sitting on their chairs. The government has changed but they have not changed their pattern, due to which the image of the government has been tarnished.