Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has promised strict action against the responsible personnel for the alleged 2012 Sarkeguda encounter. Talking to reporters on Monday, he said that strict action will be taken against whoever is responsible for this. The process is for filing (the report of the Judicial Commission) before the Legislative Assembly and then it will be investigated by the Law Department. The Chief Minister said that there is no question of sparing anyone in the case. He further said that after this a committee will be formed which will decide against whom action should be taken.
On the night of 28 and 29 June 2012, 17 villagers including 7 minors of Sarkeguda, Kottaguda and Rajpura were shot dead by a joint team of CRPF and police personnel and 10 others were injured. Six security personnel were also injured in the incident. The commission, under the chairmanship of retired Madhya Pradesh High Court Justice VK Aggarwal, submitted its report to the state government earlier this month. The commission said the report concluded that security forces unilaterally opened fire on members of the meeting, killing and injuring many of them. There was no firing by the members of the meeting.