Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel has paid homage to the martyr Adivasi Jannayak Amar Shaheed Gundadhur of Chhattisgarh on Bhoomkal Memorial Day. Shri Baghel has said that before independence, the voice of protest was raised in the tribal areas of Chhattisgarh against the atrocities of the British. Tribal Jannayaks played an important role in raising this protest and sacrificed their everything. Under the leadership of one of these Jannayaks, Amar Shaheed Gundadhur, the tribals fought resolutely against the British rule for water, forest and land in 1910 in Bastar. As a symbol of tribal consciousness, the martyr Gundadhur will live forever in the public mind. His sacrifice will always give courage to the tribals to raise their voice against exploitation. Shri Baghel said that the State Government is committed to protect the interests and rights of the tribals. The government has taken quick decisions to return the land to the tribal farmers of Lohandiguda, to give forest rights on a large scale and to get a fair price for the income from forest produce to the forest dwellers. Due to the decisions taken by the state government and positive initiatives, the tribal brothers are getting a new source of income, their standard of living is rising. The Chief Minister said that the flame that Amar Shaheed Gundadhur has ignited in the tribal people to protect their rights, it will always be burning. The Bhukal Diwas, celebrated in his memory, will always inspire us to be alert to protect our rights. Like this:Like Loading… Continue Reading