Manendra Patel, Durg. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai was once again seen retaliating to the allegations of the Congress today. During the Pola Mahotsav organized in Madiapar of Durg, Chief Minister Sai slammed Bhupesh Baghel for the allegations being made on the government by the Congress and the former Chief Minister. Giving a befitting reply to those who called the Chhattisgarh government a failure, the CM said, now they do not have the right to give certificates.
CM Sai said, with great expectations, the public had put the Congress in power for 5 years and in 5 years, such a bad situation arose that after 5 years, the public itself uprooted them and threw them out. We have no right to give certificates to such people. In fact, former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel is continuously attacking the BJP government of the state through demonstrations and press conferences after the arrest of MLA Devendra Yadav. At the same time, tomorrow on 3 September, Congress is going to hold a silent protest against the increasing crimes against women across the state.
The matter of death of innocent children due to vaccination will be investigated: CM
Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai said that there will be a thorough investigation into the death of two children after vaccination in Bilaspur. If the health workers have committed any kind of mistake or negligence, strict action will be taken against them.
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