Purushottam Patra, Gariaband. Once again the news of Lalluram.com has had a big impact. District Panchayat CEO Ghasiram Markam, posted in the home district, has been relieved from the post of Returning Officer. Additional Collector Richa Thakur has been given the responsibility of returning officer for the District Panchayat elections. This order was issued by Gariaband Collector late in the night.
Let us tell you that on Monday, we had broadcast the news of giving the responsibility of District Panchayat CEO in home district Gariaband to Dhamtari Additional Collector, keeping the rules before the code of conduct in mind. The responsibility of the returning officer of the District Panchayat elections rests with the District CEO. In such a situation, Congress had also raised questions on this appointment. The district administration immediately took cognizance of this news and relieved District Panchayat CEO Ghasiram Markam from the post of Returning Officer.
Read this also – Ruckus over the appointment of District Panchayat CEO: Congress raised questions on getting the appointment in the home district itself, said – smells of administrative conspiracy…
In the order issued by the Collector and District Election Officer, it has been said that Ghasiram Markam, Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Gariaband has been appointed as the Returning Officer for the entire district Gariaband for the election of District Panchayat under the general elections of three-tier Panchayats 2024-25. Panchayat) was appointed. By amending the said order, in place of Markam, Risha Thakur, Additional Collector Gariaband has been appointed as the Returning Officer (Panchayat) for the entire district Gariaband for the general elections of three-tier Panchayats 2024-25.
Let us tell you that in Gariaband district, the government had appointed Ghasi Ram Markam, a 2014 batch State Administrative Service officer posted in Dhamtari district, as the District Panchayat CEO. He is a resident of this district. According to the provisions of the Election Commission, posting of officers in the home district at the time of elections is considered prohibited. According to the information, Markam is a resident of Mohda village of Gariaband tehsil, while his in-laws’ house is Chihrapara of Jidar Panchayat of Mainpur tehsil. Markam and his family also have ancestral land and property in both the tehsils. One brother is also the Panchayat Secretary in the entire family. A code of conduct has been imposed in the state for urban body and panchayat elections. In such a situation, many questions were being raised on his appointment.
Congress had raised questions on the appointment of District Panchayat CEO
Congress had raised questions regarding the appointment of Gariaband District Panchayat CEO. By sharing the copy of the appointment order on his ex, he had raised questions on the fairness of Panchayati Raj elections in Gariaband. It was also said that this order smacked of administrative conspiracy.