Nitin Namdev, Raipur. Mohla-Manpur police has arrested 5 people including 4 Naxalites, accusing one of them Vivek Singh of being an advisor to the late Nandkumar Baghel, BJP MP Santosh Pandey has asked former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel to tell what this relationship is called. Also read: Passenger plane crashes in Brazil, all 62 people on board the plane died…
BJP MP Santosh Pandey said in a discussion with the media that Vivek Singh who has been arrested has been an advisor to the late Nandkumar Baghel. Information about his transaction of Rs 7 lakh with the Naxalites has also come to light. This makes it clear that Nandkumar Baghel had links with the Naxalites. He used to go to the interior areas of Mohla Manpur and hold meetings. Now Bhupesh Baghel should tell what this relationship is called.
MP Santosh Pandey said on the issue of railways in the Lok Sabha session that the 18th Lok Sabha budget session was potential. All areas were taken care of in the budget. There is a provision of 6 thousand 922 crores in Chhattisgarh railways alone, under which Amrit Station, over bridge, third track and many other things will be constructed.
On the question raised by Brijmohan Agrawal in Lok Sabha, Santosh Pandey said that the budget is 18 times more than the Congress government. There was nothing during the Congress government. At least Congress should not talk like this. During the tenure of Manmohan government, all railway speeds were blocked. During the Congress government, the train that used to reach at 5 pm used to reach at 5 am the next day.
On the silence of Congress on the situation in Bangladesh, the MP said that when Hamas attacked Israel, where was Rahul Gandhi then? Those who used to speak in favour of Israel were speaking in favour of Hamas. Congress spokespersons in India used to speak in favour of Hamas. There was a massacre in Bangladesh, the opposition did not express even a word of condolence. Everyone knows who is behind this.
On targeting of Hindus in Bangladesh, Santosh Pandey said that all kinds of discussions have taken place. The Home Minister and the Prime Minister are keeping an eye on it. The Indian government is fully prepared.