Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has congratulated and wished women shooter Avni Lakhera for winning the gold medal and Mona Agarwal for winning the bronze medal in air rifle standing in Paris Paralympics 2024. He has said that the daughters of India are no less than anyone.
He has written on his social media account that many congratulations and best wishes to female shooter Avni Lakhera who made all Indians proud by winning the gold medal in the women’s 10 meter air rifle standing in Paris Paralympics 2024. Mona Agarwal of India has won the bronze medal in the same event. My heartiest congratulations to Mona as well. This is definitely a proud moment for India. Jai Bharat, Jai Hind.
Daughters of India are no less than anyone…
Many congratulations and best wishes to female shooter Avni Lakhera for making all Indians proud by winning the gold medal in the women’s 10m air rifle standing at the Paris Paralympics 2024.
In the same event, Mona Agarwal of India won the bronze medal…
— Vishnu Deo Sai (@vishnudsai) August 30, 2024