On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel during the lockdown to protect the people from the corona virus infection, two months of free food grains are being distributed to all the poor families of the state. The Chief Minister has asked all the collectors of the state to provide food grains to all the people in the districts on time. According to the instructions of the Chief Minister, during the lockdown by the Food Department, new ration cards are being made for the eligible beneficiaries of the state whose ration cards were not made, as well as the name of the missing family members is also being added to the ration cards. is. A total of 29,683 new ration cards have been created in the state since the lockdown started by the Food Department and the names of about 44,394 new members have been added to the pre-made ration cards. The creation of new ration cards and the addition of names brought relief to the people at the time of this calamity.
Officials of the Food Department informed that the state government is distributing lump sum rice for the months of April and May 2020 to the ration card holders of Antyodaya, priority, single destitute, disabled and Annapurna category. Apart from this, rice is also being distributed to the general category ration card holders at a discounted rate of Rs. 10 per kg. Proper management of food grains is being done by the state government with sensitivity and readiness for the citizens of the state as well as the laborers and the poor of other states trapped in the state due to the lockdown. So far, 8.82 lakh people have been provided food and about 8.75 lakh people have been provided free ration through the district administration by the Food Department during the lockdown. Food Department Secretary Dr. Kamalpreet Singh has told the district collectors that the process of making ration cards is a continuous process. Therefore, on receipt of application from the beneficiaries for making ration card, the action of making ration card should be ensured immediately.
To provide relief to the people during the lockdown, 3086 new ration cards were created in Raipur district, out of which 2582 are BPL and 504 APL cards. Names of 4983 members of APL and BPL category were added to the ration card in Raipur district. The highest number of 7418 ration cards were made in Durg district, out of which 987 BPL and 6431 APL ration cards were added, the names of 9963 people were added to ration cards in Durg district, similarly 3783 new ration cards were created in Balodabazar district and 802 members names were added. , 3367 new ration cards were created in Rajnandgaon district and names of 4309 people were added, 2447 new ration cards were created in Surguja district, 1892 names were added, 1158 new ration cards in Raigad district Created and added 2614 names, 1100 new ration cards were created and 626 names were added in Korba district, 1633 new ration cards were created in Dantewada district, 695 names were added, 841 new ration cards were created in Bastar district and 1544 names were added. In Gaya, Bijapur district 598 new ration cards have been created and 435 names have been added.
195 new ration cards were created and 649 new names were added in Kanker district, 150 new ration cards were created and 1894 names were added in Kondagaon district, 88 new ration cards were created and 203 new names were added in Narayanpur district. Similarly, 292 new ration cards were created and 595 names were added in Sukma district, 28 new ration cards were created and 1510 names were added in Bilaspur district, 246 new ration cards were created and 3056 names were added in Janjgir-Champa district, Mungeli. 44 new ration cards were created and 289 names were added in the district, 209 new ration cards were created and 247 names were added in Balod district, 122 new ration cards were created and 946 names were added in Bemetara district, 152 new rations in Kawardha district. Card Names of 208 members were created, 414 new ration cards were created and 1842 names were added in Dhamtari district, 405 new ration cards were created and 584 names were added in Gariaband district, 491 new ration cards were created in Mahasamund district. And 1455 names were added, 130 new ration cards were created and 68 names were added in Balrampur district, 64 new ration cards were created and 1268 names were added in Jashpur district, 479 new ration cards were created in Korea district and 949 names were added. , Surajpur 744 new ration cards were created in the district and the names of 768 members were added.