Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai’s weekly program Jandarshan to meet people and solve their problems will be held on August 8. In the Jandarshan organized at the Chief Minister’s residence, Chief Minister Sai will directly communicate with the citizens and will also take applications related to their problems. Also read: Police rescued 35 cows by entering the stronghold of cattle smugglers, more than half a dozen accused arrested…
It is noteworthy that the Jandarshan at the Chief Minister’s residence has started from June 27. A large number of citizens participated in the Jandarshan organized earlier, and also submitted applications to the Chief Minister regarding their various problems and demands.
The Chief Minister himself reviewed all the applications and directed the departmental officers to resolve them quickly. In Jandarshan, Divyangjans were also provided quick assistance. Tokens were provided to all the citizens who came in the last Jandarshan and their applications have been uploaded in the Jandarshan portal. Hence, action is being taken on these applications at a fast pace.