Raipur. The state’s Tribal, Scheduled Caste, Other Backward Classes and Minority Development Minister Ramvichar Netam met Union Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram during his Delhi visit. He discussed in detail with Union Minister Oram about the development of weaker and backward classes including Scheduled Castes and Tribes in Chhattisgarh. During this, he requested the Union Minister to release the remaining amount of Rs 74 crore 69 lakh 27 thousand for the year 2022-23 under the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana. A provision of Rs 1653 crore 71 lakh 20 thousand was made for this scheme for the financial year 2022-23.
On this occasion, Minister Netam also requested Union Minister Oram to include and approve proposals of Rs 162 crore under the Special Central Assistance Scheme of Tribal Sub Plan and Rs 55 crore 14 lakh 35 thousand for quality education in Ekalavya Model Residential Schools run in the state of Chhattisgarh in the year 2024-25.
Minister Netam also gave information about the schemes run by the central and state governments for these sections, including the progress of the Niyad Nellanar scheme being run by the state government under the leadership of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, especially in the five Maoist-affected districts of Bastar division, the Pradhan Mantri Janman Yojana being run as per the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to bring the specially backward tribal community of the state into the mainstream of society.