Balod. The police has arrested the absconding accused from Maharashtra for cheating people in the name of providing jobs. The main accused in the case is a former soldier, who retired from the army in 2008 and cheated unemployed people of lakhs of rupees in the name of providing jobs in the railways. The main accused in three different cheating cases, Uttam Khandekar, was caught by Balod police from Gondia.
In fact, the applicant Ghanshyam Dhimar, aged 39 years, had complained in the police station that the accused Dulesh Kumar Sahu lured him with a job as station master in the railways, after which the accused introduced him to his friends Uttam Khandekar and Ankush Mishra. Uttam Khandekar and Ankush Mishra claimed to be high ranking officials in the railways. Uttam Khandekar said that he knows the top officials of the railways and he has already employed many people. Saying this, he duped the applicant of about 11 lakh rupees. The applicant said that the accused neither got him a job nor returned the money. On asking for the money, they cheated him by saying that they will return it today or tomorrow and did not return the money. Ghanshyam Dhimar reported this to the Balod police station. After that, a crime was registered in the Balod police station.
The accused also lured Dharmendra Sahu, 29 years old resident of Balod, with a job as a railway ticket collector and duped him of Rs 8 lakh 45 thousand but did not get him the job. In this way, the applicants Hariom Sahu and Akshay Kumar Sahu of Gurur police station were also duped of Rs 24 lakh in the name of getting them a job in the railways.
Police arrested accused Uttam Chand Khandekar, age 53 years, from Gondia under various sections and brought him to Balod police station. Police have already arrested accused Dulesh Kumar Sahu, age 46 years, resident of Balod and Ankush Mishra, age 37 years, resident of Nagpur.