Honor 10 was launched in India on Tuesday at an event in London. The smartphone was first launched in China last month, and is the Huawei brand Honor’s flagship offering. The Honor 10 will go on sale exclusively via Flipkart in India from Wednesday. It has several highlights, including its top-end HiSilicon Kirin 970 SoC that’s paired with 6GB of RAM, a dual rear camera setup, a 19:9 FullView display with an iPhone X-like notch, and a 24-megapixel front camera. The company is touting several AI 2.0-based features, from beautification and face recognition, to UX features in its EMUI 8.1 custom Android ROM that’s based on Android 8.1 Oreo. Finally, the Honor 10 also sports a gradient colour finish, similar to the Pink Gold and Twilight colour variants we last saw on the flagship-level Huawei P20 Pro and Huawei P20 smartphones.
Honor 10 price in India, launch offers
Honor 10 price in India has been set at Rs. 32,999 for the 6GB RAM and 128GB inbuilt storage variant in India – the company has chosen not to launch the 6GB RAM and 64GB inbuilt storage in the country. It will be available from midnight, Wednesday, May 16 in India, exclusively via Flipkart. The company has also chosen only to launch two colour variants in the country – Midnight Black and Phantom Blue.
The Honor 10 India launch offers include an additional Rs. 5,000 off over the regular exchange value for all Honor smartphones, as well as select other devices. The company is also offering an additional Rs. 3,000 off over regular exchange value for all other devices. Both these exchange offers will be valid from Wednesday, May 16 to Friday, May 18. Honor is also offering no cost EMI on Bajaj Finserv cards, but this is valid on May 16 only. Buyers on Flipkart will also get a 10 percent instant discount with Axis Bank and debit cards – something that’s also applicable on EMI transactions. A Jio offer was also detailed, with Rs. 1,200 cashback, 100GB additional data, and Rs. 3,300 worth of partner vouchers.
The company also announced that the Honor 10 will also be available to buy via Hi Honor online store in India, with a Rs. 500 coupon being provided on purchase of the smartphone, apart from MobiKwik SuperCash up to Rs. 2,000.
In Europe, the company launched both the 64GB and 128GB storage variants, priced at EUR 399.90 (roughly Rs. 32,300) and EUR 449.90 (roughly Rs. 36,400), while the in the UK, the company launched only the 128GB variant, priced at GBP 399.99 (roughly Rs. 36,800). In Europe and the UK, the smartphone will be bundled with Monster Earphone II with Hi-Res Audio support, and a tailor-made sound profile for the Honor 10.