Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+ were formally launched in India on Tuesday. Both the latest Galaxy Note-series models were unveiled in New York earlier this month. Just after their official launch, the South Korean giant started taking pre-orders for the Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+ in the Indian market, and at the time, had revealed their prices as well. The company also revealed that the sale of the new handsets will begin in the country from August 23. To attract India customers, the Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+ both bring S Pen handwriting recognition support for four Indian languages.
Samsung Galaxy Note 10, Galaxy Note 10+ price in India, pre-booking details
The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 price in India has been set at Rs. 69,999 for the lone 8GB RAM + 256GB storage variant. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, on the other hand, carries a price tag of Rs. 79,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage variant, while its 512GB storage option is priced at Rs. 89,999.
Samsung has brought the Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+ in Aura Black, Aura Glow, and Aura White colour options. Furthermore, there is also an Aura Red colour variant specifically of the Galaxy Note 10.