Supreme Court on CM Pushkar Singh Dhami: The Supreme Court has strongly reprimanded the Uttarakhand Government for appointing controversial IFS officer Rahul as the director of Rajaji Tiger Reserve. The apex court reprimanded Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and said that is the CM a king, whose every decision will be correct and will be accepted. A bench of Justices BR Gavai, PK Mishra and KV Vishwanathan said that the heads of the government cannot be expected to be the kings of the old days and we are not in the feudal era.
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The bench also questioned why the chief minister has such a special attachment to an officer, given that departmental action is pending against him (senior Indian Forest Service officer Rahul).
IFS Rahul.
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Senior advocate ANS Nadkarni, representing the state, said the officer was being targeted. Pointing out that the noting said the officer should not be posted in the Rajaji Tiger Reserve, the court said the chief minister was “simply ignoring it”.
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However, the state government told the bench that the appointment order was withdrawn on September 3. To this, the judges said, “There is something like the public trust doctrine in this country. The heads of the executive cannot be expected to be kings of the old days who will do what they have said… we are not in the feudal era… just because he is the chief minister, can he do anything?”
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Many senior officers had objected to the appointment
In fact, the appointment of Indian Forest Service officer Rahul, who is the former director of Corbett Tiger Reserve, as the director of Rajaji Tiger Reserve was termed wrong by senior officials. The court found that it was also supported by the Deputy Secretary, Principal Secretary and the Forest Minister of the state. Despite this, this appointment was made. The court said, “If the desk officer, Deputy Secretary, Principal Secretary disagree with the minister, then at least it is expected that you give some thought to why these people disagree with the proposal.
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