Congress has lost its sleep due to record voting in Madhya Pradesh. The heartbeats of their leaders have increased. The news has been published in the issue of Lok Shakti yesterday that the BJP will get the benefit of record voting in Madhya Pradesh. This review was based on the results of the last record held in the last election.Today, when we discuss Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, it can say that the new parties of both the provinces can become King Makers.Regarding one thing and Rajasthan, it can be said that this time the Congress is in danger from its own rebel leaders in elections. Because, in recent days, many leaders have been expelled from the Congress party.
Due to the removal of the party from time to time in elections, there is a gross dissatisfaction with the Congress in these leaders.Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Ajit Jogi has rebelled from the Congress and formed a new party in Chhattisgarh. Here is a collision between the Congress and the BJP in the fork. There may be a difference of two to three in the inclusive seats, if Jogi’s party succeeds in grabbing four or five seats, then he can become a King Maker. This is also the situation of Rajasthan. While RLP is engaged in wooing the people of the Jat community on one side, the Congress has started trying to persuade the BJP’s traditional vote bank Rajputs. In Rajasthan, the chess board has been laid and political discussions are in full swing.
There is a continuation of whether the BJP will be able to regain power again or the Congress will succeed in reversing it. But among these, some new equations have started to emerge in the state. An independent MLA from Nagaur Hanuman Beniwal has formed a new party under the name of ‘National Democratic Party’. Which can change the whole equation in the state.This party has a lot of discussion today. The supporters of this party are basically the people of the Jat community, and especially the youth Jats. Beniwal has fielded candidates in about 200 of the total 200 assembly seats in the state. He also took small parties together.A man from the village said, “We have given a lot of votes to many parties but this time we should vote for this party.
Waheed Chauhan is the candidate from the party of Beniwal on Sikar Legislative Assembly seat. Last time he contested on the NCP ticket in 2013, he got 40 thousand votes at that time. Chauhan said that he wanted a ticket from the Congress. He can not join the BJP. But he can get the votes of the Jat community on contesting RLP and he can win.In the Shekhawati area of Rajasthan there are three districts Churu, Sikar and Jhunjhunu. Traditionally, it is a Congress stronghold. There are 21 seats in this area. In this region, Jats, Muslims and SC mainly decide the fate of any candidate.
Even when Modi wave was in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, BJP got only 11 out of 21 seats in this region, whereas in the rest of the BJP, the percentage of BJP victory was 80.In the 90’s, BJP and former Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat had seen the result of ignoring the Jats. That is why the party started expanding its base even in this community, and in 2003, Vasundhara Raje became the chief minister with the full majority.In the second term, the Shekhawati area became the haunt of farmers’ movement.
Movement of farmers towards debt waiver and better MSP was led by the Communist Party. Jats had support for this.While RLP is engaged in wooing the people of the Jat community on one side, the Congress has started trying to persuade the BJP’s traditional vote bank Rajputs. Where the people of these two communities are in fine numbers, there is a difference of opinion among them.