Muzaffarpur. In Bihar, a young man was shot dead in a dispute over dance in Barat in Nowchpada village of Saraiya police station area of Muzaffarpur. In front of this incident, the raging crowd handed over 22 vehicles to the fire. After getting information, police of several police stations, including Saraiya, reached the village and after a lot of trouble, the situation was overcome.
According to the information, after the incident of killing a youth during a dispute between two factions to dance in the barat, the happy atmosphere of marriage got transformed into a weeds. Fierce mob wreaked havoc on the incident and beat up the entire family including the bride along with the bride. The groom came out to save his life, including the bridegroom. The fierce crowd handed over nine cars and thirteen bikes of the Batati and Saturn family to the fire.
Not only this, the crowd set fire to three huts, including the wedding pandal. The relatives of the deceased have alleged that the cousin of the bride, Mukesh, has done the same thing as the shooting of the murder. It is being told that he is absconding since the incident. At present, the police have been deployed in view of the tension in the village.