In a major development, Gaurela police, following an application filed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sameera Paikra, have registered an offence under section 420 of Indian Penal Code against former legislature and State President of Janata Congress Chhattisgarh (Jogi) Amit Jogi in cheating case. According to information received from Gaurela Police Station House Officer Rajkumar Sori, Paikra in her application stated that the affidavits submitted by Amit Jogi while contesting the 2013 Assembly elections in State were supported with fake documents of his birth place.
Earlier, the High Court of Chhattisgarh had dismissed the case. In the 2013 State Assembly elections, Sameera Paikra contested from Marwahi seat under the banner of BJP against her Congress rival Amit Jogi and lost with huge margin. Sameera Paikra said that while filing his nominations, Amit Jogi mentioned his date of birth as 1978 and birth place at Sarbahara. But when she filed case against him, he submitted another affidavit with the court in which it is mentioned that Amit Jogi was born in Douglas, Texas in 1977. She said that Amit Jogi contested in polls with false documents and misused public funds.
Commenting on this new development, Amit Jogi said that when the case was dismissed by the High Court, Sameera Paikra should have approached the Apex Court. He held Congress and BJP responsible for harassing his family but everytime they got justice from the court.
Kota Legislature and Amit Jogi’s mother Dr Renu Jogi in her reaction said that the case was filed maliciously against her son and there was no issue in this. She said that she came to know about the case filed against Amit Jogi and her family will take necessary steps to deal with the issue according to legal procedures. She said that the matter was already dismissed by the High Court and hence there was no reason to file a case against her son.