Punjab, Chandigarh, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Kerala have captured the highest grade i.e. Grade A plus plus (A++) in the Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20. This information comes after the Center on Sunday approved the release of grading index for states and union territories, which motivates change in the field of school education.
Talking about Chhattisgarh, the state is in the 7th category in the performance grading index. Chhattisgarh has been weak compared to the year 2018-19. Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh are in the 7th category along with Chhattisgarh. At the same time, no state has come in the first category in the performance grading index. Talking about Punjab, highest marks have been earned in governance and management.
Many states and union territories have improved their grades in PGI 2019-20 as compared to the previous years. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Puducherry, Punjab and Tamil Nadu have improved their overall PGI score by 10 percent or 100 or more.