Chief minister Bhupesh Baghel inspected cowshed in Geedam near Rampuram in Sukma district during his visit there. People there accorded warm welcome to the chief minister by adorning him with ‘khumri’ and presenting him organic vegetables such as tuma and torai.
Baghel inaugurated and laid foundation of 64 various development works worth nearly Rs 168.59 crore at the Panch-Sarpanch Kisaan Sammelan at mini-stadium of Sukma.
At the programme held in Sukma, the chief minister inaugurated 28 development works worth Rs 85.26 crore and performed bhumi-pujan of 36 development works worth nearly Rs 3.33 crore.
On the occasion, Baghel inaugurated high-level bridge built on Kokral-Puspal route on Baru River at the cost of Rs 5.46 crore, Eklavya Model Residential School premise built in Sukma at the cost of Rs eight crore, Tribal Girls’ Hostel of 500-seat capacity worth Rs 11.61 crore, cooperatives godown built in Chhindgarh, Kodripal, Puspal, Tongpal, Leda, Gadiras, Keralapal, Korra, Chintagufa, Mundpalli, Kukanar and Konta at the cost of Rs 3.82 crore, girls’ hostel building of capacity 250 seats worth Rs eight crore, 33/11KV power substations built in Puspal at the cost of Rs 2.17 crore and 33/11 KV power substation built in Errabor at the cost of Rs 1.56 crore.
On the occasion, chief minister performed bhumi pujan of model school building to be built in Sukma at the cost of Rs 10.46 crore, food park worth Rs 4.17 crore, sub-health centres to be built in Maroki, Mankapal, Pongabhejji, Bade Gurve, Badanpal, Kankerlanka, Kankapal, Golapalli, Aagargatta, Kanjipani, Korra, Gaganpalli, Ganjenar, Gorkha, Hameergarh at the cost of nearly Rs six crore, transit hostel at district hospital Sukma worth nearly Rs 1.14 crore, diversion work at Phool River of Rokel worth nearly Rs two crore, samuh jal praday yojana worth Rs eight crore to be built in Chhindgarh and Ganjenar, Gorli River Diversion Scheme worth Rs 2.48 crore.
State industry minister Kawasi Lakhma, revenue minister Jaisingh Agrawal, MP Deepak Baij and MLAs Mohan Markam, Lakheshwar Baghel, Vikram Mandavi and many public representatives and villagers were present.