Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel dedicating the ‘Bal Mitra’ room in Purani Bhilai police station on Monday, said it is an innovative and good experiment.
“Psychology of a whole generation will be affected by it. Children will get a message that police are there to provide security to people, who will take care of them like their parents,” he said.
The biggest attraction is books for children, like comics of ‘Chacha Choudhary’, ‘Naagraj’ which can help improve creativity and it will open new world for them, he said.
Appreciating Durg police, he said new avenues will open for better productivity and will provide new meaning to work.
“It is a positive thinking that in a police station child friendly corner has been made. Not only children but whoever enters the police station will witness the sensitive face of the police,” the CM said.
Chief Minister said success of policing is to maximize interaction with public to give better results.
A ‘Khana Khajana’ centre also set up where Baghel tasted few items.
Home minister Tamradwaj Sahu said, “It will help to develop positive image of police. It’s a well planned step.”
In eight police stations ‘child friendly rooms have been made. They are Bhilai, Purani Bhilai, Patan, Jamul, Durg, Mohan Nagar, Pulgaon and Utai. It has books and indoor games facilities.