To mark the completion of 7 years of the Narendra Modi government at the Center, the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha launched a public awareness campaign under the Seva Hi Sangharsh program to reach out to the local Golbazar to prevent corona infection and bring public awareness to the general public. Distributed masks and sanitizers to the people. The sticker was pasted at the stores to request compliance with the corona rules. BJYM District President Avinash Srivastava said that even after the exemption of lockdown, the risk of infection still remains. Yuva Morcha will run a continuous awareness campaign across the district to avoid corona infection and follow corona protocol. Kirandev Pradesh General Secretary BJP, Santosh Bafna former MLA Jagdalpur, Srinivasa Rao Maddi former Forest Development Board President, Yogendra Pandey, Ramashray Singh, Rajneesh Panigrahi, Narasimha Rao, Manohardutt Tiwari, Manoj Patel, Rohit Khatri, Abhishek Tiwari, Shirish Mishra, Vivek Sahu, Lekh Tiwari, Prateek Rao, Vinay Raju, Devesh Chandak, Shubendra Bhadoria, Somu, Aditya Sharma, Suraj Mishra, Jaspreet Singh, Monu Tomar, etc. were present.